Friday, July 24, 2009

Making Garden Sound Pretty, Spick and Span with some Plant and Flowers

Every housewife need their home sounded pretty, spick and span. Most of housewife fond of gardening in order on that and make house and the yard sounded pretty, spick and span the housewife need to plant some beautiful flower or can plant fruit tree in the yard. Shade tree planted in the yard to cover veranda from direct sun beam. Some flower or rosemary that arable to be plant in the home or yard is:

  • Aglonema also called “sri rezeki” is an ornamental plant from the Araceae family (aroids) and most popular plant for housewife right now. Nowadays hundreds of Aglaonema hybrids have been cultivated with more and more attractive and colorful appearances. These plants are versatile and rugged, adapting to many different settings. Overall, the plants have a compact, bushy habit with lots of stems and leaves emerging from the crown. The leaves are fairly large, long and pointed and come marked by various patterns of green and creamy white. Aglonema can pot up and put it in house near by window or put it in veranda that minimum on direct sun beam.
  • Zamia furfuracea or commonly name Cardboard Sago. This plant easily grown, likes full sun, and sandy, well drained soils. Cardboard Palms have leaves 3 to 4 feet long that emerge from a central point forming a rosette. When grown in bright sunlight the rosette becomes a 3 foot high clump of tightly overlapping leaves that will slowly grow to 6 feet in diameter. The thick leathery leaves are pinnate and have 5 inch long by 1 inch wide oval leaflets. They are slightly fuzzy and feel a little like cardboard when rubbed. Cardboard palm makes a great accent or specimen plant. Use nears the patio, in mixed foundation plantings or in perennial beds. This cycad is salt resistant and can be used in beachside plantings. Also makes a great container plant for the patio or deck. It is a great houseplant tough enough to survive occasional neglect and harsh indoor environments.
  • Platycerium. This Plant Species Are More Commonly Known as Staghorn Ferns. These plants are often found and maintained as decorative plants because of the attraction of leaves that were beautiful and also good to be plant in the yard. It has tufted roots growing that bear two types of fronds, basal and fertile fronds. Basal fronds are sterile, shield or kidneys shaped and laminate against the tree and protect the fern's roots from damage and desiccation.
  • Cecak rowo. This still famous and popular as gardening plant. Only have few thick leathery leaves with a lot of flower look like bird so this plant name with cecak rowo. This plant easy grown and likes sun

Those are few sample of plant for gardening that can make home and yard sound pretty, spick and span. Beside those all planting fruit tree and shade tree also good. Such as short Mango trees, Logan trees or Bougainville. With planting some fruit tree in the yard and garden can get additional income as well as sound pretty, spick and span garden.

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